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Create a web page that should display the Student Result Sheet Using HTML.

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• Create a web page that should display the Student Result Sheet Using HTML.

                                <title>Result of Student</title>

                                <hr size=5% color="7979FF"><br><br>
                                <center><u><font face size=6 color="blue">Result of Student</center></u></font><br><br>
                                <table width="90%" height="25%" border=5 align=center cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 bordercolor=#660ff>
                                <hr size=5% color="330066 ">
                                <div style="background-color :#D8F0F8;color:#009900;font-weigth:bold;font-size:18x;text-decoration:blink;text-indent:
                                50X;"><marquee behavior="scroll">Design By : : Computer Tricks % Tips&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your Content</marquee></div>

                <tr>       <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4><b>Roll_No</b></td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4><b>Student's Name</b></td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4><b>Percentage</b></td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4><b>Result</b></td>
                <tr>       <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>1213238</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>ABC</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>78.00</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>Distinction</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>1213236</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>XYZ </td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>65.00</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>First Class</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>1213237</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>PQR</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>55.00</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>Second Class</td>

                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>1114</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>ABCD</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>84.55</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>Distinction</td>

                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>1115</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>OPQ</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>73.22</td>
                                <td align=center><font face="arial" size=4>Distinction</td>

                                <hr size=5% color="330066 "><br><br>
                                                <h1><center><font face color="Green" >Design By: Computer Tricks and Tips</center></h1>
                                <hr size=5% color="7979FF"><br><br>

Create a web page that should display the following equations.

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• Create a web page that should display the following equations.

           <hr size=6% color="#330099">
           <center><u><font face size=5 color="blue">Que :- 5   Superscrip Subscript</center></u></font>
           <hr size=6% color="#330099">
     <body bgcolor="#cccccc" text="green">
           <ol type=1>
           <li>H<sub>2</sub>C=CH<sub>2</sub></li> <br><br>
           <li>SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2</sup>  </li><br><br>
           <li>[B<sub>12</sub>H<sub>12</sub>]<sup>2</sup></li>   <br><br>
           <li>Mg<sub>2</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub></li>  <br><br>
           <li>Ca(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>    <br><br></li>
           <li>K<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> <br><br></li>
           <hr size=6% color="#330099">

Create an html page showing your own bio data in the following format.

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• Create an html page showing your own bio data in the following format.


Create an attractive web page that shows your college information with College logo as background image. (Web page should display information like College Name, Courses, Address, Contact Number & Email Address)

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• Create an attractive web page that shows your college information with College logo as background image. (Web page should display information like College Name, Courses, Address, Contact Number & Email Address) 

           <title>College Information</title>
           <h1><u><b><center>My College Information</u></b></center></h1>
     <body text="blue" background="Yagnik.jpg">
           <hr size=6% color="blue">
           <font face="Charlemagne Std" size=5" color="blue">
                address line-1<br>
                address line-2,<br>
                address line-3.
                B.C.A  ,    B.B.A, B.COM ,    B.SC.IT <BR>
                M.C.A ,     M.B.A ,     M.COM ,    M.SC.IT<BR>

                Contect No. . 2568222<br>
                Email ID:- <u>collage@gmail.com

     <hr size=6% color="blue">

Create an html page that will show your name and address in a proper format with following title and heading. Title = “ Welcome to my Home Page” Heading = “ This is my First Page HTML PAGE” Write HTML CODE

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Create an html page that will show your name and address in a proper format with following title and heading. Title = “ Welcome to my Home Page” Heading = “ This is my First Page HTML PAGE” Write HTML CODE

           <title>Welcome To First Basic Structure HTML Page</title>
           <h1><u><center>This is May First Web Page</center></u></h1>
     <body text="blue">
           <Font face="Trebuchet MS" size="5" color="green">
                Yagnik Gorasiya <br>
                Main address line,<br>
                Areas Pickup,<br>