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Create an attractive web page that shows your college information with College logo as background image. (Web page should display information like College Name, Courses, Address, Contact Number & Email Address)

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• Create an attractive web page that shows your college information with College logo as background image. (Web page should display information like College Name, Courses, Address, Contact Number & Email Address) 

           <title>College Information</title>
           <h1><u><b><center>My College Information</u></b></center></h1>
     <body text="blue" background="Yagnik.jpg">
           <hr size=6% color="blue">
           <font face="Charlemagne Std" size=5" color="blue">
                address line-1<br>
                address line-2,<br>
                address line-3.
                B.C.A  ,    B.B.A, B.COM ,    B.SC.IT <BR>
                M.C.A ,     M.B.A ,     M.COM ,    M.SC.IT<BR>

                Contect No. . 2568222<br>
                Email ID:- <u>collage@gmail.com

     <hr size=6% color="blue">

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