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EQUATION_EVOLUATION Programming Code in Console Application VB

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# Here Programming Code is an EQUATION_EVOLUATION
Module Module1 /*Module1 is an name of module*/

    Public a, b, c, d As Integer
    Sub Main()
        System.Console.Write("Enter Value of A :")___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*
        a = System.Console.ReadLine___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*

        System.Console.Write("Enter Value of B :")___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*
        b = System.Console.ReadLine___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*

        c = (a + a) - b
        d = (b + b) + a

        System.Console.WriteLine("Value of A :" & a)___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*
        System.Console.WriteLine("Value of b :" & b)___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*
        System.Console.WriteLine("Value of c :" & c)___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*
        System.Console.WriteLine("Value of d :" & d)___(Don't Missing Syntax required)*


    End Sub

End Module

Note: *Remove The Sentence on this program ___(Don't Missing Syntax required).

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